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Refurbished Chain driven conveyor 1300mm

Refurbished Chain driven conveyor 1300mm

Conv 1300mm side


WASTE EQUIPMENT CONVEYOR:    Refurbished 1300mm Wide  (Pictured before refurbishment)

Chain driven conveyor:-    Swan Neck AT Chain Driven Conveyor 1300mm_Page_1

·         Overall conveyor length of 12mts

·         Swan Neck top section

·         Horizontal loading section 3mts

·         Inclined section at 300

·         YOM 2003


·         Chain link 125mm with 60 x 75mm flanged rollers

·         Heavy duty rubber belting

·         Steel flight bars 65mm

·         Support Bars 75x40mm

·         Paint colour

·         Blue RAL 5012 and Yellow RAL 1016

·         Drive Motor-Gearbox.


This conveyor can be used in-floor or on-floor.


See also:


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Page updated 8th Apr 2012, 18:40

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